Applied Engineering
- 77 An Economic Comparison of Subsurface Drip and Center Pivot Sprinkler Irrigation Systems
- 79 Corn Yields and Profitability for Low-Capacity Irrigation Systems
- 81 Evaluation of Irrigage Collectors to Measure Irrigation Depths from Low Pressure Sprinklers
- 82 On-Farm Scheduling Studies and CERES-Maize Simulation of Irrigated Corn
- 75 Resource Allocation in Corn Production with Water Resource Constraints
- 74 Sensitivity of Thin-Walled Drip Tape Emitter Discharge to Water Temperature
- 76 Soil Water Survey After Corn Haravest in Northwest Kansas
- 78 Subsurface Dripp Irrigation Using Livestock Wastewater: Dripline Flow Rates
- 80 The Irrigage: A Non-Evaporating In-Field Precipitation Gage
- 102 A Mobile Irrigation Lab (MIL): Bringing Education and Technical Assistance to the Farm in the Computer Age
- 103 Effect of Irrigation Ending Date on Corn Yield and Irrigation Scheduling for Water Conservation
- 104 Evaluation of Collector Size for the Measurement of Irrigation Depths
- 107 Impact of Collector Size and spacing on Center Pivot Uniformity Evaluations
- 109 Irrigation System Comparison Guidelines
- 108 Kansas Irrigated Agriculture's Impact on Value of Crop Production
- 110 Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) System Remediation - A Case Study
- 106 Twenty Years of Progress with SDI in Kansas
- 105 Various Irrigation Effect of Corn Grain Yield and CERES-Maize Simulation for South Central Kansas
Center Pivot
- 44 Considerations for Sprinkler Packages on Center Pivots
- 43 Sprinkler Package Effects on Runoff: General Guidelines
- 53 Chapter of Corn Production Handbook
- 72 Grain Sorghum Production Handbook. Chapter 6 - Irrigation
- 71 Irrigating Alfalfa. Alfalfa Production Handbook
- 54 Irrigation Chapter. High Plains Sunflower Production Handbook
- 55 Irrigation Management. Wheat Production Handbook
- 56 Irrigation. Soybean Production Handbook
Domestic Water Supply Wells/Home Environmental
- 35 Dry Basements and Crawl Spaces
- 30 Measuring the Depth to Water in Wells
- 37 Plugging Abandoned Wells
- 36 Plugging Cisterns, Cesspools, Septic Tanks and other Holes
- 33 Private Water Well Owner/Operator Manual
- 32 Private Well Maintenance and Protection
- 31 Private Wells - Safe Location and Construction
- 29 Restoring a Flooded Well to Service
- 34 Shock Chlorination for Private Water Systems
General Irrigation/Irrigation Management
- 73 Guidelines for Use of Propeller Type Irrigation Water Meters
- 48 Irrigation Formulas and Conversions
- 69 Irrigation Water Measurement
- 47 Irrigation Water Measurement as a Management Tool
- 45 Kansas Irrigation Trends
- 49 Soil, Water and Plant Relationships
- 50 Soil Water Measurements: An Aid to Irrigation Water Management
- 70 Water Measurements as a Management Tool
Irrigation Association
- 100 A Mobile Irrigation Lab for Water Conservation: II Educational Programs and Field Data
- 99 A Mobile Irrigation Lab for Water Conservation: I. Physical and Electronic Tools
- 94 Economics of Irrigation Ending Date for Corn
- 95 Evaluation of Collector Size for Low Pressure, Fixed-Plate Sprinklers for Center Pivots
- 88 Evaluation of Collector Size for the Measurement of Irrigation Depths
- 90 Field Performance of Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) in Kansas
- 91 Field Performance Testing of In-Canopy Center Pivot Nozzle Packages in Kansas
- 97 Irrigating Cotton in a Thermally-limited Area
- 89 Irrigation Impact and Trends in Kansas Agricultural
- 93 Kansas Progress in ET Based Scheduling: Improvements in KanSched
- 98 Sensitivity of Center Pivot Sprinkler and SDI Economic Comparisons
- 92 Tapered Lateral Design for Subsurface Drip Irrigation
- 101 Using Beef Lagoon Wastewater with SDI
- 96 Western Kansas Center Pivot Survey
Irrigation Scheduling
- 38 Accessing ET for Kansas Irrigation Scheduling
- 18 Predicting the Final Irrigation for Corn, Grain Sorghum, and Soybeans
- 40 Scheduling by Electrical Resistance Blocks
- 42 Tensiometer Use in Scheduling Irrigation
- 17 Using Evapotranspiration Reports for Furrow Irrigation Scheduling
- 39 What is ET? An evapotranspiration primer
Irrigation Systems
- 52 Efficiencies and Water Losses of Irrigation Systems
- 46 Irrigation Capital Requirements and Energy Costs
Kansas Water
- 51 Kansas Water Supplies
MIL/Software Fact Sheets/Software User’s Guides
- 27 FuelCost – An Irrigation Fuel Cost Evaluator
- 26 IrriGage – A Useful Tool for Irrigation and Rainfall Water Measurement
- 14 IrriGage Flyer
- 28 KanSched2: An ET-based Irrigation Scheduling Tool
- 15 KanSched2 - An ET-Based Irrigation Scheduling Tool
- 16 MIL Flyer
Pumping Plants and Wells
- 65 Comparing Irrigation Energy Costs
- 63 Evaluating Pumping Plant Efficiency
- 64 Reading Pump and Engine Performance Curves
- 66 Shock Chlorination Treatment for Irrigation Wells
- 62 Design Considerations for Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) Systems
- 61 Filtration and Maintenance Considerations for subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) Systems
- 58 Management Considerations for Operating a Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) System
- 59 Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) Components: Minimum Requirements
- 57 Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) with Livestock Wastewater
- 60 Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems (SDI) Water Quality Assessment Guidelines
- 68 Managing Furrow Irrigation Systems
- 67 Surge Irrigation
Transactions of ASABE
- 84 Irrigation Scheduling Using Crop Growth Simulation, Risk Analysis, and Weather Forecasts
- 85 Irrigation Scheduling with Planned Soil Water Depletion
- 87 Measured and Simulated Uniformity of Low Drift Nozzle Sprinklers
- 83 Soil Water Recharge Function as a Decision Tool for Preseason Irrigation
- 86 Water Requirement of Subsurface Drip-Irrigated Corn in Northwest Kansas